Monday, April 25, 2016

Pentagon sends legendary B-52 bomber into action against ISIS

he US Air Force for the first time deployed a B-52 bomber against the ISIS, the Pentagon said Wednesday as it ramps up a 20-month campaign to smash the extremists.
The bombing mission, in which a hulking B-52 destroyed a weapons storage facility south of Mosul, comes the same week that Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited Baghdad and announced extra US troops, cash and equipment for the anti-ISIS campaign in Iraq.
In other signs of an increasing tempo, US commandos working with Kurdish troops conducted a raid targeting a senior ISIS group figure and the Pentagon said it has changed how air strikes risking civilian deaths are approved.
Under the new rules, authority now comes from the commanding three-star US general in Baghdad, instead of going through a four-star at the US Central Command’s headquarters in Florida.
Baghdad-based military spokesman Colonel Steve Warren insisted the changes do not lessen oversight standards in determining when civilian losses are an acceptable risk.
“This does not translate to more civilian casualties, this translates to a more rapid execution of strikes,” Warren said.
The Pentagon has acknowledged 26 civilian deaths due to US-led coalition strikes since the campaign began in August 2014 in Iraq, and credits the use of guided missiles in keeping the number relatively low - though independent observers say the figure is far higher.

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